Nick speaking,

Back to the Terrain Corner I am doing for my Terrain making competition, sponsored by Inside Out Terrain and WarGames. I have put a link to both of them at the bottom of the post, so please make sure you head on over and check them out.

OK, so first, I build the Promethium Pipes and worked out where I wanted them to go onto the piece of terrain. I felt like I wanted to make the pipe sections bigger so I found a few tubes (till rolls) and added them to the pieces. Once I worked out where they were going, I took them off and started cutting out the pool for the water effects...

The next job will be to makes the pipes look like they are Necron pipes and not Imperial. I started this by removing the spikes at the top and by adding some Necron pieces to hide the aquilas. I am thinking the rivets aren't very Necronish, so I plan on removing them so that it has a more of a Living Metal feel to them. Lots more to do but getting there. More to come soon...

Please check out our two awesome sponsors of this years competition...



Inside Out Terrain
