It’s been a year & a half (technically 547 days) since I created my paint scheme for Imperial Fists. And I now have a fully painted 2,000 point army! I’ve only ever painted a full 2,000 points once before with my Nurgle Daemons.

I’m pretty impressed I’ve been able to stay on track and get stuff painted. It’s helped to have an escalation league and also challenge myself to 30 days of painting.

Two Games

To celebrate I decided to play two games with my fully painted army. One against my good friend Mark with his new Thousand Sons. And one against Brian who has a really tough Eldar list.

Imperial Fists Deploy Against Thousand Sons Magnus Deploys Contemptor Dreadnought Fights Screamers Imperial Fists Tactical Squad Fight Horrors Devastators Fire Against Imperial Fists Legion of the Damned Fight Daemon Prince Imperial Fists Deploy Against Eldar Wraithknight Deploys Imperial Fists Defend Outpost Lysander Assaults Wave Serpent

The game against the Thousand Sons was pretty darn fun. They had to capture a number of objectives across the board. And as soon as they capture it it’s removed. They need to remove all objectives by the end of the game.

I ended up winning. But I think if Mark had Rhinos for his T-sons they could have threatened me so much earlier and he would have won.

The Eldar game on the otherhand was a massacre. I haven’t played Eldar in the new edition and they live up to their reputation. My opponent Brian had jetbikes with scatter lasers, a wraithkight, and wraiths with d-scythes. It was a lot of destroyer weaponry and I had very little anti-tank.

In one turn his jetbikes with scatter lasers killed all of my devastators. My terminators had to kill the wave serpent to get the stuff inside. I didn’t realize that the wraiths inside had d-weapons. They killed the whole squad the next turn. Didn’t even get to roll invulnerable saves. That’s how many 6’s he rolled. Ouch.

Against a list like this I’ll have to buy & bring more heavy hitters. This is a a good incentive to get a knight of my own. And maybe get a few more anti tank options in my other units. Still a pretty fun game. 🙂


My 2,000 Point List

I originally planned the following:

+ HQ +
Captain Lysander

+ Elites +
Centurion Devastator Squad
Dreadnought with Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod
Terminator Assault Squad

+ Troops +
Tactical Squad
Tactical Squad

+ Fast Attack +
Stormtalon Gunship

+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad
Thunderfire Cannon

And I wound up with:

+ HQ +
Captain Lysander

+ Elites +
Terminator Assault Squad
Legion of the Damned

+ Troops +
Tactical Squad
Tactical Squad

+ Fast Attack +

+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad
Thunderfire Cannon
Contemptor Dreadnought

That’s pretty close. I didn’t get a Storm Talon. I purchased a 30k Vindicator but haven’t assembled or painted it quite yet. I found a cheap contemptor so I bought that and painted it up. And someone gave me a dreadnought (already painted).

So if you make a target list. Be prepared to let it change. You never know what is going to be released while you build your army (like a plastic contemptor). And as you build your army you’ll find your needs change.

Expanding the Army

I’ve found that my list is pretty good against MEQs (medium toughness high armor) lists. But it’s terrible against horde armies like Tyranids. So I’m looking at ways to get ignores cover shots into my list.

I don’t have a super heavy yet. I’ve started work on a Knight Titan but I’m not thrilled with the paint scheme so it’s on hold for right now.

I bought the Triumvirate of the Primarch primarily for Cypher. I was able to trade the Grey Knight and that leaves Guilliman. So I’ll be adding those two to my list. I realize Guilliman is the leader of the Ultramarines but it’s a primarch! Until they add Dorn (I’m assuming they will someday) I’d like to run with Guilliman occasionally.

I love Cypher and plan on painting him up. At some point I’ll get some Mk IV marines and combine with a Dark Angels Veterans squad to make a squad of fallen. I can load them up with plasma guns and infiltrate them into a ruin. With Cypher’s shrouded rule they should be pretty hard to remove.


Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought
The amazing Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought from Forge World

Earlier this year I wrote about wanting to pick up Custodes. I’ve made some progress painting the models I have but not quite as much as I want. I would probably hold off on getting Custodes but my good friend Mark got me the Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought for my birthday! I’m super pumped!

So I decided to pick up two squads of Custodes to go with this amazing Dreadnought. It’ll make a nice defense of Terra army.

Note: I’m posting this on April 2nd. But I actually finished my army and played games at the end of February (the 18th to be specific).