Hi everyone,

I am continuing with the reviewing of the Normans I have bought for Saga.  This week I want to show off the 3 units of Warriors I currently own.

The first two units are mostly composed from models from The Foundry and sculpted by Matthew Bickley,  just like the Knights in the previous post.
I tried to keep the warriors all chainmail free, but I did not have enough miniatures to fill out two units this way. I was also on a budget, so buying more blister packs was not an option at this point. Therefore I opted to let the "leader" of the unit wear chainmail, thus reducing the need for non-chainmail figures.
One or two of the miniatures are from the old Citadel miniature range, noticeably the leader of the second warrior unit.

One aspect of these miniatures is the metal spears.  These were initially much longer than you see in the picture, so I had to calculate the historical height and cut accordingly.  The next step is to pin the shields and glue the shields and spears on.  A lot of extra work that has to be done.  I have to admit I could have done without it.
The last unit of warriors are from the Gripping Beast range and are armed with crossbows.  They are about half the price of The Foundry miniatures and roughly the same size.  They are also suited to the unit description they depict.  The sculpting and quality is not as high as The Foundry but they work very well.

That concludes the overview for the warrior units.  Next post is about the Warlords - yeah!  Until then farewell and good health.
