Hi everyone,

I have decided to get into Infinity as well.  Lately, I am on a roll with games, experimenting and buying starter sets.  I do not really know why,  just have developed this habit - which is quite bad for my wallet!

After playing a few games, Infinity and Saga are the two games I am currently playing on a regular basis.  Hence I have decided to paint up a force for the coming Beasts of War 2nd online campaign - Wotan.

I have decided to go with Haqqislam and I will begin with the new starter set.  It is ironic, but Haqqislam was the faction I liked the least in first and second edition - specifically the miniatures. I mean I really disliked them!

Then everything changed with the third edition miniatures, specifically with the Kum Riders.  All of a sudden Haqqislam became the faction of super cool models - all of them since.

So when it came to choose a faction it had to be Haqqislam!  That is life.

So in order to prepare for the campaign I have started painting the starter, and beginning with the Ghulam infantry in the set.

I decided to follow the colour scheme on the box cover, so I started with a base coat of Heavy Brown. (I apologize about the picture quality but I did not notice it until came to post.)

The net step was to paint in the basic colours.  Once again I followed the colour pattern of the Infinity paint team that is I used Desert Sand and and Dark Rust.

Hopefully by next week the Ghulam will e ready, as I intend to paint them up altogether.

After them, I start the other more special profile types. So farewell and good health.
