Today, I've got a few work-in-progress shots to share for my Blood Bowl teams, a little something for each of them (Humans, Orcs, and Dwarfs).


Up first we have the Dwarfs. I really love the dynamic and in-motion look of the models for this team.

I focused on the beards first, trying to get a nice variety of color to help differentiate them. I think the first 6 players are coming along nicely and they've been a lot of fun to work on so far.


The Orcs haven't received as much attention as the other projects, but I've managed to zero in on the overall paint scheme for the team, trying things out first with a Linemen and then 2 of the Blitzers.

With the Blitzers' hair I was able to try out my new paints (Yriel Yellow, Fuegan Orange, & Carroburg Crimson) I picked up to expand my options in the red-yellow-orange spectrum. These made it easy to shade it one way or the other for more variety, something I'll definitely be using on the other half of the Dwarf team as well.


Lastly, we have the Human team. OK, so there's not much of an update for the Humans painting-wise, however, I did manage to assemble the Ogre.

He appropriately towers over the rest of the players, standing a good head taller than all but the Black Orc Blockers. Looking forward to getting some paint on this one.

Also, I received my order of Stormcasts this week and couldn't NOT start immediately on the Stardrake... so look for an update on this monstrosity very soon. Cheers!