April has been a fun month, and with a far improved workbench setup I've been motivated to actually work on something.
I ordered a couple of paint racks, which have massively freed up space on my desk. Most of the paints i had sidnt fit on the existing racks I had, and so would clutter the desk.
As well as that, I now have a more comprehensively organised bitz box, with everything I may need in one extensive system. Each section has been broken up into weapons, limbs etc, and is colour coded depending on the model (blue is space marine, red terminator etc.). This should mean finding parts for cool conversions will be much, much easier. Now, onto some acutal models...
So first up, some Shadow Wars. I had a game yesterday against a Dark Eldar gang, as part of a local campaign. The mercenaries did great, and have earned me a few promethium caches. Since one of my cultists died in the fight, I find myself in need of some new warriors. First up joining the ranks is another chaos marine with bolter and telescopic scope. Something you will all agree is much better than a cultist, this guy should add some more long ranged punch.
And for even tougher fights I have this brute of a Terminator. Built off a slimmed down Centurion, this model oozes menace and power (and with a 3+ save on 2 dice, why shouldn't he?). Armed with a combi bolter and power fist, he'll show up every now and again to really take the fight to the enemy. I will have to be careful with him though, as the Bounty rule means my opponent gets bonus promethium if he is down or killed at the end of the game.
In terms of normal 40k, I've also been at work adding two new spawn, either for use in a unit, or when enemy models are mutated in the psychic phase (I'm yet to top a riptide though...)
Finally, we have a Maulerfiend in the works. I had to do a conversion, mainly because I stole the exhausts for the Typhon. The new pipes are made from plastic tubes, spare exhausts and melta barrels, and have a more mechanical and sleek appearance.
That's it for today, but feel free to keep yourself up-to-date on the Facebook page.
Workshop Datalogs: April 2017
by Matthew Davies | Apr 23, 2017