Hello Readers!

Again,thanks for looking!

Up next, Skarbrand. Skarbrand the Exiled One is a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of the Blood God Khorne. Skarbrand betrayed the Blood God due to the machinations of Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, and was exiled from the service of Khorne - I did the 2 daemons at the same time, to make sure the skin tones remain the same for the two, it also meant I could try techniques on one, then on the other if I liked it.
The face I'm happy with the finish, I went for a complete right side with no red skin, just bone- with the bear bone of the mandible visible, and horns black from the damage.
I'm really happy with the axes, I washed them differently to add a different dimension to them, one has a red hue to it, the other a purple- I felt this could be the axe that Skarbrand used again Khorne after the words from Slaanesh- that the axe had been corrupted in some way. Again each had a good coat of blood.
The look is what I was hoping for, and am happy with the results. For the base I plan to use a Black Templar model, with a black sword stabbed into Skarbrand - as told in the story from GoS3 book.
Thanks for looking!