Hi One and All,

Here is my version of the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, this model I bought years ago (at Blog Wars 1) which I had sat in my 'to-do-pile' that we all have, thus, I thought it was time to get this model finished! It isn't the forge world model, but one from beast lords (I think- please correct me if I'm wrong) Which I really liked the look of- very fitting for the Slaanesh daemon.

I've got for more of a human flesh look, with the feet and tentacles ending in a darker purple- which gives the model a nice daemon look.The chains are painted silver, with the weapons having a slight purple hue over silver.

 For size comparisons- next to an assassin.

And here, marching over the battle board.

I'm really happy with the overall look of the model- I just need to finish some daemonettes now..