Hi, everyone,

So today I continue with the mighty Djanbazan!  Last week I left off the models with the initial steps for the bases painted up and all the models were given a basic coat of Heavy Brown.

Today I will focus on blocking out the models with the base colours.  I wont go into techniques as they are the same as the Ghulam infantry.  So if you want to know something about the techniques check out the posts or just add a comment and I will reply.

The most difficult and time consuming part of the project is now behind me.  From here on all I need to do is add highlights and lowlights and tie everything together with an enamel wash.

This means I will need to work on these miniatures two at a time instead of all together. Nonetheless, I am getting close to the end of this little project.

Please join me in seven as I continue to work on them.
