The Deimos is done .. This weekend I had some time and I wanted to finish this tank up. I added some oil streaking, using white, raw umber and blue to add some add coloring to it.
 I think it added some added interest to the tank.. some of the area were looking a little too plain to me and I think it was really throwing it off. So .. pretty happy with the outcome. I included some of the pictures that are a now and then..
 The pic above is with the oil streaking. It's not a slap in the face with the look but a small minor detail but to me I think it really adds to the model.
 Above is before.
I also got some work done to the Fellblade and I'll be posting them up later this week. I'll be adding the oil streaking to it as well since I'm liking the look. Anyway I can make the black have more interest is a plus to me! 8)