June seems to have been a very long month for all the wrong reasons, but one thing that has kept things interesting is the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter. I had announced to Bull when I first heard about it that I was going all-in and would sign up for every optional extra and splash out big time, given that it's a fourth game at the moment. However, after seeing my pledge pass the $300 mark in the first fortnight I decided that I may have been a little hasty and scaled things back. It is only a board game after all, even if it is a very good one.

Having said that, the amount of loot you get for an initial $120 pledge is growing daily and with less that 48 hours before the Kickstarter ends, now is the time to get on board or miss out on the exclusives (of which there is a lot – see image above).

In the last 24 hours we have seen a stretch goal for a Giant survivor smashed, revealing a stretch goal for a Giant zombie! The stretch goals this time around have been a mixed bag I think, but true to form for a Cool Mini Or Not Kickstarter there have been lots of them as the project races towards the familiar $4M mark. Will it beat the last Kickstarter that managed $4.2M? We will see…