With all of the reviews, news and such on ToaTS recently I thought it was about time to mix things up for a week or so.
After a couple of awesome posts from Mars and AlienAmbassador I started thinking about how to get other people included in the blog.
3 ideas came to mind. A Blog Swap, Readers Pictures and a Q+A session.

Blog Swap
This is a simple but fun idea that helps everybody involved get their own work and thoughts out to more.
All you need to do to take part is add Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher to your own blog-roll on your site and then comment below with a link to your blog.
That will then get added to the ToaTS blogroll. This means that everybody gets their blogs, ideas, thoughts and work out on more sites for more people to see!
Any gaming blog is welcome but I would especially love to see some that cover genres like sea, steampunk and super heroes!

Readers Minis
In the comments on here there are often people talking about the minis they are working on.
I want to see them!
And I want everybody else to see them!
If you want your work featured on ToaTS just send the pictures and a little bit of info to hendybadger@aol.com
Nothing rude though please, ToaTS has readers of ALL ages.

Finally, I though a Q+A session could be fun.
If you have any questions for the Hendybadger about this site, the games covered or anything else at all, then just post them in the comments below.
Any 'publishable' question will then be gather together for a Q+A post answering all of them.

Have fun!
Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!