I had told myself I wouldn't do it. I can't afford it, don't need it… but yesterday I found myself in possession of the new plastic Primaris Librarian kit.

It was the last one in the shop, so I felt kinda lucky that I'd managed to get hold of one. The price – £22.50 – stuck in my throat a little bit, but it's a lovely model and my librarian had done so well the other evening in our 8th Edition Intro Game that I felt this was a worthwhile investment.

The box contains two small plastic sprues, a base and transfers, plus a small booklet containing construction diagrams and the datasheet in half a dozen languages. It didn't feel like a lot for £20+

I started to build him early evening, and almost immediately hit problems. I had to stick two legs to part of a body, then once in place add a second part of the body. Not a complex task, but the flowing robe parts need to be positioned in a precise way. In addition, there wasn't much surface guide or suitably large areas in which to glue these pieces, so it took several attempts to get things vaguely correct.

At each stage of the construction I had to let the glue dry thoroughly before I could proceed as bits were moving all over the place, so delicately were they positioned.

Next I had to stick the back half of the model to the front piece that I'd constructed. Only problem here was that the two halves of the robe have to marry up exactly… which of course they didn't do very well. The outcome being that additional glue had to be used and the two halves firmly held in place for a while, resulting in fingerprints across the surface of the robe.

To add insult to injury, I then discovered that one of the pipes on my Librarian's Force Sword hadn't been cast properly!

By this time it was late evening and I decided to call it a day. I need to spend some time cleaning up the robes and the gaps before I can start adding some of the detail pieces from the kit.

This has been a pig of a build so far, and certainly not worth the £22.50 spent on it – not even close. Hopefully I'll feel better about it at the end.

The irony is that the Primaris Captain, who towers above the Librarian, took precisely 6 minutes to build and clean up with a file, ready for painting.

Roll on part 2…