A blog probably reflects the mind of the blogger who runs it, and I imagine many readers of the Expanse read it to know my thinking. But I post plenty of ideas at other people's blogs too, so I've decided I'll start grouping some up now and then.

Here's the first batch, a short list following the format subject, link, blog post and blog.

    • ... and more on a possible change in the style of GW's miniatures, as well as some great dwarves that could be Squats, here at Outside the Box, BoLS

    I recommend reading the other comments too, and the post itself of course - as well as browsing the blog as a whole - in case you also feel it's worth following and commenting.

    Update: A lot of that comes together into this comment at House of Paincakes and I've just summarised my thoughts on models for titans in the 41st millennium here at BoLS.