And another small project has ended, at least under the brush. With the last three Men at arms finished my Bretonnian Skirmish Warband is ready for the gaming table. Alas these finished projects are kind of a self-deception as the next step the 500 points list is long ready and the necessary miniatures were bought months ago. Not complaining though. Actually I am really looking forward painting my first Bretonnian Character.
Also I am quite curious to see how they will act on the table. I expect a lot of brave deeds, well at least from the Knight. From the peasants maybe not so much, hehe.

Another bunch of the illiterate commoners and peasants of Bretonnia.

Another bunch of the illiterate commoners and peasants of Bretonnia.

These pictures taken from their backs are pretty important as one can see that the miniatures are really painted and not only their huge shields got some paint.

These pictures taken from their backs are pretty important as one can see that the miniatures are really painted and not only their huge shields got some paint.

Geoffroi le Valeureux' Warband hailing from Couronne.

Geoffroi le Valeureux’ Warband hailing from Couronne.