Hi everyone,

As I mention briefly at the end of my last blog, I am embarking on a new wargame army project, even though I have not finished my other two armies, that is Space Wolves and my 15mm Dwarves.  I know some of you out there who, like me, have very little discipline with these things can understand.

I saw a game and was hooked with the models.  So I decided to build a small force for the time being (not out of discipline but budget restraints!). Some guys I know who are big Last Exile fans have air forces of Germans and French, and are currently playing a small campaign.  I decided to join the fun and so all I had to do was choose a faction and painted them up.

I always choose an army according to the miniatures and never their performance on the gaming table.  This is because if I don't like the miniatures, then I will never get around to painting them.  My choice turned out to be very simple - Covenant of Antartica!!!  Not only are they beautiful steam-punk models, but their designs really hooked me badly. Airships that look like whales, sea ships that look like sharks and dolphins, and land ships that emulate crabs and arachnids and worms.  Amazing!!!

Since this is just an air force, I started out with my three Daedalus Class large flyers.  On opening the packs I found the resin models to be huge and very sharply cast.  Only minor cleaning up was necessary, except for the central strip where the mold lines pass through. This had to be replaced, since even with careful sanding it would look tacky when painted.  I used some styrene strips for this and the result was very pleasing.

I recently acquired a Veda airbrush from Peco Global.  They sell very good quality airbrushes at a fraction of the price when compared to Iwata and Badger.  Well this project seemed like the perfect chance to try it out.  First I gave the resin a good wash and then sprayed white primer on them.  I used Vallejo's airbrush primer which is ready mixed.  This is a good idea for anyone, like me, who is just beginning with airbrushes.

The next step was to pre-shade.  As you can see I have done my homework and did all the research possible.  I thought this technique would be useful and render results, so I tried it out.  I used Vallejo's airbush black, and shaded all the seams.

When the pre-shading was done I started giving the models their base coat.  I wanted them a light grey with graduations in colour going lighter up and darker down. I think I managed it, even though you cannot see it due to the picture's quality.

This is a very tricky stage, I have to admit.  I strongly suggest anyone trying it for the first time, to do some tests in order to obtain a good sturdy control of flow from your airbrush.  You will also need to gauge the pressure of your brush for optimal results.  Not as easy as it looks or sounds - but not that difficult after you get the hang of it.

Well that is all for now.  The next step will be the camouflage. Until then;

Farewell and good health
