New news!
Iron Arena is a go !!! Lots of nice prizes and some pp support.
Model painting contest! Bring the most awesome piece you have!
Terrain contest! Build and create a terrain piece must be no larger than 8 inc. By 8 inc.
Double trouble 2 person tourney each team member needs to build a 45 point list.
25 point Mangled Metal, Tooth and Claw , battle group only.
And finally there will be a 15 point Speed Machine tournament total clock time for each player is 15 min.
Plus all the other great tournaments going on. All tournaments will be steamroller 2017 rules.
There will be trophy's and plaques will be awarded for tournaments 1-3 place also there will be some bigger prizes to be raffled off, the schedules for the tournaments will be available soon. If you have not registered please do so , it will be a great time. Any questions feel free to give ma a holler. one of the big prizes will be a pirate dice rolling tray. Thank you all and looking forward to seeing you there.