That's right. It has been a hectic summer, so much going on that it has been tough to keep track of everything (and I have completely failed to write anything of note for you, faithful reader). But I do know that there are 10 days left to buy your raffle tickets for this year's NOVA Open Charitable Foundation 2017 Summer Raffles.

In case you didn't know, we have NINE armies/teams/collections up for grabs, with raffle tickets starting at $2 each (minimum $10 purchase). Click on any of the banners on this page to find out more about the various prizes!

Also note that we'll be dividing the money up between four different causes this year:
• Doctors Without Borders
• The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
• The Fisher House Foundation
• The International Rescue Committee

We thank you all for your support for these efforts, year after year.