We just wrapped up Saturday night of NOVA Open and it's been amazing. I got to take classes with Roman from Massive Voodoo, paint an unbelievable amount of minis for the 30k Team Tournament, where our team "Two fools who laugh at death" (if you don't know the reference it's time to watch the original Conan the Barbarian) won the best sportsman award, we've played tons of pickup games, attended GW seminars, scoured the vendor hall for bits, and made repeated visits to the Forgeworld booth.

More to come, but for the meantime here's a pic from the 30k doubles event which was one of the most exciting games I've ever played. While leading my Iron Hands, with their brothers in arms The Salamanders at their sides, Ferrus Manus and his cohorts fought valiantly against an impressive Emperor's Children army. It ended with a win but not before Fulgrim decapitated his brother Ferrus in a martial showdown for the ages.