Wargame Exclusive have been around for a while now, but recent kits like the Master of Crusade and Tau-like models made me want to check them out in a bit more detail. With that in mind I scoured their webpage for a suitable kit. I found the Egypt Sons Terminator conversion set. Seeing as I am primarily a sons player, it seemed like the most logical place to start.
The set, costing around £23 at our current exchange rate, gets you six sets of torsos, heads, tabbards and shoulder pads. One more set than you need for a basic Terminator squad, so the sixth could be used for a character. To finish the kit you will need to source your own bases, legs and arms.
The resin quality is really nice. Details are crisp, and no obvious air bubbles. The casting gates are quite chunky on the torsos, and one the the more delicate head dresses had split, but apart from that there's no real qualms.
The torsos share a lot of visual cues with the original multi-piece plastic terminators and were probably intended for their use only. Much like the plastic kit there are lugs on each side to allow the arms to be lined up easily. However, they fit fine with the likes of Tartaros and Cataphractii legs.
On my test squad I ended up using all the parts except the heads, as I don't think they work as well as the other components. Fortunately normal marine and tartaros heads fit like a glove, should you also want to use something else.
The details on the kits are really nice, nothing feels particularly crude, barring the heads. I will say though, that some of the shoulder pads are enormous, even by gw standards. You will see in the second image that I ended up cutting some down to size, which makes them much better proportioned.
And here is the finished squad. I ended up making 5 scarab occult and 1 sorcerer. When fully assembed they look great, and once painted should blend in very well with my other 2+ saved members.
If you're after an alternative look to your rubric terminators, Wargame Exclusive are one of the better places to look. Sure I don't like the heads, but the other bits do work really well, and if you have any terminators that aren't the scarab occult models, new or used, you can very easily make a convincing variant.