
February was a crazy month. Besides being the shortest month on the calendar, we got snowed in, and I hunted for and acquired a new job. Despite all that, I managed to get another two Crusader Squads and a Chaplain done for my Black Templars. Granted, it's taken me two weeks to post about it (new job, remember?), but here they are in all their black-and-white glory. The first squad is pretty much like last month's squad, just with the bits arranged slightly differently.


Complete with Neophytes, of course. That completes the close-combat Crusader squads. Next up, the shooting squad:


After all the tabards and ribbons and seals on the close combat squads, these guys were actually a bit on the boring side. Fortunately, the lascannon and plasmagun mix things up a bit. The bases aren't as blue as they appear in this photo, either; they're more white drybrush, but for some reason the lighting picked up the blue background more.

Finally, my first HQ, a chaplain to act as my Master of Sanctity:



I wish they had plastic skull helms that weren't for Khorne CSMs, but they don't, so I kitbashed this guy with a bald head and a breather. He looks appropriately Chaplain-y with the skulls and the crozius and the rosarius and the scroll, so I don't feel bad about him. The only part I don't care for is the censer hanging from his belt; the wash didn't darken the recesses to my liking, but I'm not sure if I want to try to touch him up more or not. Otherwise, he looks great.

This month, I'm working on my Emperor's Champion and my Assault Terminators. It'll be nice to not paint quite as much plain power armor (and with a much smaller model count as well)!