So, I've been mulling over the Daemons book (thus not much from me since it came out), and I'm starting to settle on a core list to bring most of what I want from my Death Guard while also fitting in the Daemons units. For one thing, I am happy that I have all the models built to run this:

Type Unit Cost
HQ Chaos Lord 65
Mark of Nurgle 15
Bike 20
Lightning Claw 15
Sigil of Corruption 25
HQ Great Unclean One 190
Lesser Reward 10
Elite Helbrute 100
Troops Cultists 50
Troops Cultists 50
Troops Plague Marines 120
7 Marines 48
2x Plasma Gun 30
Power Weapon 15
Rhino 35
Troops Plague Marines 120
7 Marines 48
2x Plasma Gun 30
Power Weapon 15
Rhino 35
Troops Plague Marines 120
2x Melta Guns 20
Rhino 35
Troops Plague Bearers
14 Plaguebearers 121
Plagueridden 5
Lesser Reward 10
Fast Attack Chaos Spawn
5 Spawn 150
Mark of Nurgle 30
Fast Attack Blight Drone 125
Fast Attack Blight Drone 125
Heavy Support Daemon Prince 145
Wings 40
Warp Forged Armor 20
Daemon of Nurgle 15

Well, all but one, I forgot about the 5th Spawn. I have 2 from the GW kit and 2 kitbash/greenstuff projects. I need a 5th, I'm considering picking up a Nurgle Toad or two to run as Beasts of Nurgle in my Daemons, I may also run them as Spawn. (note, after composing this I used some tyranid bits to make a 5th spawn).


The Bike Lord is built and painted. I've got the 3 Rhinos although they all need a bit of work before I can paint them. Most of the requisite Plague Marines are painted. The Helbrute is undercoated. The 20 Cultists (which are zombie conversions, I'm going to use them for Cultist squads when not using Typhus, thus differentiating my Death Guard cultists from my Red Corsairs cultists) are almost entirely assembled, and some have paint on them.


The Great Unclean One and 10 Plaguebearers are painted, and I have 4 that I converted from the GW zombies, but I'd like to repaint them in a scheme closer to the GUO.  A Spawn sculpt is unfinished and both of the custom ones need to be painted. Mortarion is table painted. The Blight Drones are fully primed.



That's the whole list, so I'm not too far away from having a painted army to put on the table. And yes, I'm weird and don't play with a list until its mostly painted/converted, that's why I magnetize everything I can and try to get about every unit in the army where possible.