
That’s right sports fans, the next wave of Dreadball stuff is here and includes a supplement with a rather sexy, rendered, cover…


Although it’s great to see new shizzle coming out for a game that I’m really quite taken with – and £9.99 RRP for a supplementary book isn’t bad I really hope they don’t start churning out books every few months as it’ll get old real quick. But for now, it all looks rather groovy. The book includes:

With a host of new models, new mechanics and exciting abilities, the Season 2 Rulebook takes DreadBall to new heights and expands your gameplay experience. Featuring brand new photography as well as a dedicated FAQ section, the Season 2 Rulebook is a must-have for any DreadBall fan.


  • 64 Page A4 Full Colour Rulebook
  • 4 New Teams
  • 9 famous
  • MVPs
  • Cheerleaders
  • Coaches
  • Talk Tactics FAQ
  • League Play
  • New Abilities

There’s also a host of lovely new teams including the Corporatoin Void Sirens as well as Robots (which look fricking sweet), Judwans and Z’zors. There’s also a bunch of new MVPs although there’s no model photographs of anything yet, which is a shame, but as and when they get put up I’ll post them.
