Rob speaking,

Some of you may know me from my Blog Embolden40k which I can no longer maintain due to lack of time, but I still want to write and after a cheeky email to Nick to allow me to guest write for his Blog, here I am!

But for those of you who don’t know me, hello!

I’ve been playing 40k on and off for about 10 years! I played Eldar for a large portion of this time, in fact it was last year I stopped using my Eldar. I dropped them in favour of Grey Knights, I know, I jumped on the band waggon, I used my Paladins up until the last set of FAQs where they took away the Characters rule from the Paladin squads so essentials removed the rule that made them viable in a highly competitive list. So I moved onto Imperial Guard with Space Wolves Allies, after facing a list I really liked at Battlefield Birmingham, this list has my own twist though.

Last year I started to attend tournaments for the first time, after listening to the 40kuk podcast, which inspired me to sign up for Caledonian in January 2012, since then I have attended about 5 tournaments throughout the year, winning 1 with Paladins and coming 4th after playing for the win in the last game, plus some respectable finishes, I ended the year ranked 54 in the UK, not too shabby if I blow my own trumpet. 

Since then I have been playing for fun while I amassed the horde of guardsman needed to make the army I wanted, although I have had no time to blog due to work and building/painting Warpath Corporation guard, I have still been able to play a number of games at the gaming club I attend every Tuesday night. I have also signed up for Caledonian (which takes place in 2 weeks) and Battlefield Birmingham in February.

So that's what I have planned gaming wise as for Blogging, well I enjoy writing tacticas, unit reviews, army lists, battle reports and tournament reports, so expect plenty of these! I do paint, but not a good standard, 3 basic colours and a wash... that's about as good as it I think I'll be leaving this sort of stuff to Nick who is a great painter, just check out his stuff here!

So there you go, a little about myself and what I have planned for the next few months, I look forward to talking to you on the Blog posts!

