Hello fellow scratchbuilders/hobby enthusiasts!  Welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k.  Today I decided it has been a long time since I did a giveaway for you fine folks who have been reading my blog over the last couple years.  As such, I'm announcing I am giving away this model here-

As you can see, it's the old metal Eldrad Ulthran model.  I love how he turned out, but I don't see myself using him again.  I think he's fairly well painted, so it would be a shame for him not to be used by someone.

So how do you get to be the lucky owner of this model?  It's really easy.  All you have to do is follow the blog and leave a comment below.  You can say "Entered!" or "It's nice I suppose" or any other thing you want to say.  Just be sure you are following the blog by clicking the button at the "People Who Like Scratchbuilt 40k" at the upper right side of the page and leave a comment so I know you are interested.  On the 31st I'll tally up the names of those interested and have a name selected randomly.

Right, with that out of the way, here is the progress on the brains I'll be using as Horrors of Tzeentch so far-

I have 20 of these painted but only 10 of them on the bases so far.  I'm still waiting on the pieces I'll be using as a sort of 'psychic shield', but when I do get them it will hopefully add something special to the model.  Overall I'm very pleased with how they turned out so far!

Well, that's it for this week.  Good luck and I hope to have a good number of entrants!