So this has been a fun event to get involved in and I'm making progress that I'm happy with.  I want to start this post though with a picture of most of my Dreadnoughts.  It was suppose to be of all of them but I noticed after I had taken the pic, that I had left two of the three "Rifleman" Dreadnoughts in the game case from the last time I played 40K.  So mentally add in the two missing Twin-Autocannon Dreads and you'll see the whole group.
On the two Dreads I started painting for Dreadtober, I had originally painting them Chainmail Silver over the primer layer of Black.  I then dry brushed Blackened Steel over them.  The next step was to do the blue panels and parts with Intense Blue and then the trim and decorations in Bronze.
This was followed by using some Black to make the flamers look like they've been used, picking out the hoses and cables in  Flat Red.  I then did a wash of Nuln Oil over the Silver/Metal, a Baal Red wash over the Bronze, and Drakenhof Nightshade wash over the Intense Blue.  I still need to pick out and touch up a few details and then they'll be ready for basing.
Not quite as much progress on the Eddie to show.  He got the Chainmail Silver base coat and then the drybrush layer of Blackened Steel.  I'm still trying to figure out where to put the Blue on him which is holding me up a little.
Lastly, I broke the plastic seal on the Primaris Dreadnought today.  I's a nice looking kit with three THREE!!! sprue frames with a number of very cool looking bits.  I've been told that it all goes together very snugly which allows for weapon swaps without having to place magnets so we'll see how all that goes.  I'll be starting on the assembly this evening so expect to see more of him next blog post.

So that's how we stand at the moment.  I'm making good progress I think and it seems to be going smoothly.  Hopefully all the rest of you are also making good progress on your Dreadtober projects.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all next time!