So we've got some progress again for Dreadtober.  It's been a rough week and a half but we're finally back on track.
First up is the pair of Black Reach Dreadnoughts that I started with for this month.  They're both finally finished so we've achieved our first objective for the month!
Next up is are the Rifleman Dread and the one with missile launcher and assault cannon.  These two are now ready for basing and maybe just a few small last minute touch ups.
And then lastly for Dreadtober, we have progress on the Eddie.  He's now got all the colors added and just needs his wash layers and then his base painted.
Now for an added bonus, I've finished the first Void Lion primaris marine.  Now that the pattern is locked in, it's time to start getting all the assembled ones painted to make room on the table for the unassembled box.
So that's were we stand for now and I'll see you all sometime next week!  Thanks for visiting and hopefully your October has been full of Dreads too!