Finally finished Mortarion. This model was interesting to paint. There are so many details and a lot of them are hidden behind other parts so you have to paint it un-assembled to get to all of them, or at lest I had to do so. I think the color scheme also worked out. I tried to keep him a bit more muted than the GW paint job. This helps with the realism. I think that since the models (nurgle, death guard) are sculpted with all these tentacles, etc a bright paint job only enhances the cartoonishness of the models. I still maintain that the sculptors should leave the, smoke, flames etc as optional for the models. It is hard with a realistic style of painting when there are fake effects on the model. All the little demons were a pain to paint, very small, and lots of detail and skin tones to paint. And handling the model during assembly and afterwards is tricky to say the least. I have no idea how people are going to transport and play with this with out breaking thing off.
This is not a problem for me as this will go into the display cabinet and probably stay there.