I've started assembling the models for my next project, the Stormcast Eternals' side of Blightwar!

This boxset offers a great selection of models at a nice discount. I was eyeing the Vanguard Palladors and Raptors already and the Hunters seem pretty cool -- I'm trading the Nurgle half with a friend for another set of the Stormcasts (so doubling up on each of these!). What really sold me tho was the first female Stormcast character, Neave Blacktalon. Her sculpt is great and her rules are even better!

For the low points, the sheer number of attacks and fantastic abilities, I can't see myself not including her in future lists. Her mobility is insane when played near units of Palladors or a Lord-Aquilor. I'm really diggin' the Pallador models; they're bigger than I thought they'd be, almost the same size of the Dracoth. They should make a nice addition to my Stormhost and I'm looking forward to trying out some new tactics with them.

Also on the painting front, here's a shot of what I'm working on:

keeping with the 'storm' theme