Hey All.. This weekend Greg and I headed up to Philly to play in Killa Kanz 3. It's a friendly Tourny that raises money and can goods for Philabundance.. Jason, Collin and Joe from the Nova Narrative run it which is awesome and how we heard about it. We wanted to go up and hang out plus support them by bringing some Kans and moneys! Jason said it was a very successful year for donations which is great! Thanks for putting it together.. was an awesome event!
This was my first games of 8th and I had a hell of a time building a 1000 point list (it's a 2K team Tourney) with the Raven Guard. They are spec'd for 30K and man stuff is expensive. The Fire Raptor is 420 points, I probably should have took other stuff but I love the Fire Raptor and said so be it. I had a great time, all the people we played against and talked to were very cool and it was a nice atmosphere! Thanks to Redcap's Corner for hosting it and offering up prizes,. was very cool. We even ran in to some other people from Nova.. Dave whom I met in the 30K events this year and Scott who we know from the Narrative events. Thankfully Scott gave us some pointers as I didn't really do any reading or research on 8th .. didn't look at any of the CP stuff or Warlord Traits.. haha.. I was in super chill I don't care mode..
Here's a picture from our gave vs Dave.. he brought some Alpha Legion and his friend had Necrons. All of the games were fun and somehow we went 2 and 1 .. coming in 4th overall.. I have no idea how that happened. Thanks Greg and Scott for the pointers 8) ... I know a lot of people really like 8th ED... sadly... I'm not one of them. After reading all the rules and looking at it before I had even rolled some dice I had a lot of doubts. After playing they were confirmed. I'll put up another post about that later. But that didn't matter, I was having a good time just throwing some dice and BS'n with people.
Greg won a Tri of the Primarch box and being the super awesome guy he is let me have the Gulliman model... I was hoping to win that box as I want to paint up big G.. It's a cool looking model and looking forward to painting him up in the future.
I also won Best Painted for the Raven Guard which was pretty cool as there were some other really nice looking armies there.. I got a gift card for Redcap's and picked up another Eldar flyer since I don't know when I'll be able to get back to the store since I live in Bmore. Plus you can never have too many Eldar flyers... I want to make an Exarch CH and a Hemlock so now I have the second flyer I needed. I will pick up the Dark Eldar flyer down the road as I want to kit bash some of the pieces if possible ...
But .. anyway.. it was a great time!! I'm a slacker and only took one picture but Greg was shooting a ton of pictures as usually so I'll link to his when they are up!!! haha I think my Raven Guard will be sticking to 30K and I'll build up a new Eldar list for 40K games... 8th is not my fav but most people are playing and liking it so I'll have something to mess around with for local fun games.
Killa Kanz 3
by Todd Sherman | Nov 6, 2017