The title says it all, but I'll elaborate...

My friend has terminal brain cancer. Same kind as The Tragically Hip lead singer. He's got a best before date. Could be 1 to 3 years. He's fighting like hell, but chemo is expensive. Even in Canada a lot of medical care is not covered. We started a fundraiser for him here:

The union we work for will match any money we raise up to $5, 000. I would like to ask for your help, but you don't know him and we can't always just throw money at every cause we see. 

So what am I suggesting?  Here's what I will do...

Buy any of my minis for sale here:

From now until the new year, for every model you buy from me, I will donate every penny to help my friend pay for his cancer treatment AND match that donation from my own wallet! You get some nicely painted minis and my friend gets a few more moments with his family to leave them with memories instead of a crap ton of debt. If you've been watching and waiting to buy my minis now is a great time to help out!

Neil "Zab" Szabo