....And kiss you bum goodbye, or is it really as bad as all of that.

Now I've been thankfully busy lately. It's nice to be back at work again. With the recent removal of all the 5th Edition rulebooks from the GW web store, it looks like the 6th Edition is only weeks away and already there are a ton of blogs out there acting like it's the end of the world. All the number crunchers are in a panic over their beloved army lists and their win/loss ratios.

As for me, I love the fluff. I build armies to have some fun and let the dice fall where they may. I think some people need to take a deep breath and just start having some fun again. I've just read the two Sisters of Battle novel by James Swallow and would love to put together a small army of them because of these novels. I'm sure they wouldn't field well, but I don't really care.

Anyhow, that's just my 2 cents worth. Start having some fun again people!