The brood grows.

I took a break from my other random projects to randomly finish another Genestealer miniature for my Genestealers Kill Team. This is another of the original metal models which I like a lot. He stands out from the plastic ones due to the pose of course but also due to weight (he is an original lead mini).

The two metal models in this Kill Team will likely be used as Specialists. Again, this is because their unique poses mark them out from the others.

I made a slight change to the purple highlight by using Genestealer paint over Worm Purple, and then added White Scar mixed with Genestealer for the final highlight. It works well I think.

I think I like how these miniatures have turned out so far, and maybe I can finally get these guys into some action? I would love to run these as Genestealer Cult, but that would likely require an investment of some of the newer Cult kits which I am not presently able to do. So I think I will be sticking with the Codex Tyranid list then...

The reason this Kill Team took so long to get together was that I was missing the key model for the unit, my old running Patriarch. Well, he has been found! In early October, while working on my Dreadtober project I needed to refer to my only finished Bad Moon ork model, and when I opened the box that it was in I found him consorting with the Genestealer Patriarch. And here he is:

Papa Claws.
Something about those big medallions got me calling him 'Pappa Claws', which though silly, seems to work for him.