List submitted. Force painted. It's time to talk Dominance.

The tournament, hosted in my home town of Scarborough, is the first proper tournament I have entered in a while. There's not been many tournaments locally, and the ones further afield tend to be excessively competitive. I like a mix of challenge and fun, so Dominance really spoke to me. The deadline for lists was two days ago, so I thought it'd be neat to discuss my list and tactics for the games.

The following list is the one I have submitted, awaiting approval by tournament officials:

  • Elite detachment
  • HQ-Ahriman
  • Elite-Hellforged contemptor (2 kheres assault cannons)
  • Elite-Helbrute (reaper autocannon, missile launcher)
  • Elite-decimator daemon engine (2 soulburner petard)
  • Troops-5 Rubrics (sorcerer, force sword, flame pistol, warp flamer, icons and 3 bolters
  • Troops - 10 Tzaangor (chainswords and pistols, twist bray, musician and icon)
  • Fast-3 chaos spawn
  • Heavy-Land Raider Achilles (2 twin multimelta, soulburner bombard, combi bolter
  • Transport - Rhino (combi bolter)
  • Super heavy detatchment
  • Lord of war-Magnus the Red

With a restriction of ‘no more than two of anything’, including variants, I had to think up some interesting combinations that work, but also met the criteria.

This list manages to pack a ton of mortal wound-dealing units. With a maximum of 18 shots from vehicles, plus more from any powers I cast, I should have a nice counter to any tough units with good saves. A recent practice game saw me take off 14 wounds from a knight before Magnus finished it off. If the dice gods favour me I can cause an eye-watering 39 mortal wounds a turn.

It also emerged from my practice game Magnus is an amazing knight slayer. On average hitting on 2+ rerolling 1s, wounding on 2s with ap-4 and damage 3, he packs a punch. And that's before getting bonus attacks against imperium units on a 6. I plan to use him very aggressively, using warptime to get a first turn charge on the scariest unit in the opposing force. Knights, land raiders and Pasks are not safe…

Next we have some good fire support, with three walkers filling the minimum elite slots. The contemptor’s double assault cannons will make short work of infantry and light tanks, whilst the Helbrute serves a mixed role, depending on what is in front of him. The decimator is one source of my mortal wound pool, and with a decent movement value he should be able to direct both soulburners at something scary.

To ensure my warlord, Ahriman, survives, the Achilles will carry him and five rubrics in comfort. With 19 wounds, 2+ save and 4+ invulnerable it won't be blowing up in a hurry. The soulburner bombard and multi meltas will again hurt anything big or scary.

Finishing off my troops will be a group of Tzaangor in a Rhino. Cheap and quick, this unit, along with the 3 spawn, will act as rapid response gap fillers in my lines, either protecting my elite units or moving up to capitalise on an enemy weakness.

Knowing some great players with tough lists who have entered, I don't expect to win, but I can certainly put up a good fight, maybe even get one of the other awards on the day.