It's no secret that Fine Cast has some issues and when it comes to tiny, thin or otherwise fiddly bits, the issues really come to light. In this case, I am talking about Necron weapons on their HQ models. Here is the Traveler (left) and Nemesor Zahn (or Nemesauce as I like to call him, on the right). I really like both models and bought them in Fine Cast knowing full well that I would have to fix them. With that being said, this isn't a post in which I cry about the injustice of a product, but rather one, where I put my big boy pants on and overcame the issue with simple solutions.

The Traveler's Warcythe was the issue with his model and since it come on its own, arm included, I just took a arm from one of the spare plastic lords I have (you end up with these when you build gun barges), drilled out the area the arm would fit into and bam, instant fix! Nemesauce on the other hand ... not so simple. What I did was take another plastic lord arm and cut it at the elbow to fit the place where Nemesauce's original arm was. Before glueing it into place, I cut off the warscythe blade and drilled a hole down deep into the shaft. I then cut up a Lychguard blade for the little Guass-ish peice and also diced up Nemesauce's staff (I really like his staff of light, but I need to add structural integrity). I drilled through all of those parts and pinned them together with a peice of brass and some trusty superglue.

Next, I addressed a small issue I have always has with the Zahn model: Where the hell is his resorb? I took the fiddly little hand and wrist from the original model and just cut  them off. I then found the plastic lord fram again and pinned that plastic resorb into place!

Then I smoothed it all out with a little Green Stuff.

That's it really; a ten minute solution to stop me from having a lifetime of problems with my models.

Let's face it, Finecast has it's issues and there really is no sense in turning this into a bitchfest, rather, let's discuss and share some links to how you have overcome issues with the material or how you have found interesting ways to build conversions using stuff you have laying around. Any takers?