Hello, if there is still any one coming here. I have not been as diligent in updating this blogg lately so I understand if there are not that many of you. This autumn has been though and it has been hard to find time and motivation to paint.
I do however get a sprint in now and then painting the odd figure here and there. One of my big regrets is that I have difficulties making progress on the Varangian. This is a lovely model, and it is fun when I get the time to sit down, but progress is slow as the model is huge and there are tones of detail everywhere, so it is hard to finish anything. But I am sure that I will eventually finish it of. The near goal is to finish the legs and the base. I just need to the toe pistons and attach the legs to the base and the pelvis. Each legs is painted as six different parts, each having the traditional base paint, ink, three layer dry brush, ink, three layer drybrush, sponge weathering and painted brush painted rust. The same goes for the toe pistons and everything else. Then I add the meal work in the same fashion, so it is not so strange that it takes time. Since I am not done with this yet I show some WIP pics to give you some insight to the progress at least.  The toe pistons in the pics still need all the metalwork done. Then there are four more to do.

Well there is not much more to show at the moment.