Figured it was time to dive back in to painting some actual miniatures after my digression into terrain, but wasn't feeling quite up to jumping right back into a full batch-painting project. So, a little speed painting session was the plan for the evening!

Pulled out the model for bounty hunter Gor Halfhorn and got cracking! I knew that I wanted to do a somewhat militaristic scheme on him as a callback to the model on which it was based so settled on some camo/olive drab armour, and fairly subdued leather and metal to contrast with the more flamboyant ganger models.

Of course it ain't Necromunda without hazard stripes and the model did need some spot color, so the housing of the chainsword and the various lenses got the yellow treatment, as did the front 90 of the base (as facing is important in the new edition).

Lots of different brown tones on the model - the skin, the fur and the leather all needed to be distinct from one another or it'd just end up being one big smear of brown. More or less worked out! All in all I'm quite happy with him and I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on the other hired guns Forge World has previewed, as well as the new Orlocks. Really happy to have Necromunda back!