Nick speaking,

Ok so continuing on with the Daemon Princess I am converting. I have now attached the tabard and armour plates to the waste section and filled in the holes at the bottom of the Ravanar body, I was going to put tentacles in them but they just looked too over the top for my liking. However, I have now added a Slaanesh symbol to her chest, and I have to say I am really digging it...

Now to work on the arms, and after a rummage through my Tyranids bitz box I was able to cobble together some arm options for her. They are all magnetised and I will add some chains to her at some point, but as far as I am concerned I am done. With the exception of her head that is. Hopefully the Tyranid arms mixed with the Chaos arms have made her look a little more feminine, but I would love to know your thoughts in the comments section below...