One of my favorite Necromunda special characters from back in the day was Bull Gorg, pit fighter hero extraordinaire - We ran many a fun scenario with him either staging a revolt, or doing king of the hill style pit fights. Figured I ought to get him cleaned up and modernized for the new version!

I will cop to some youthful exuberance in this build (to be fair, it was nearly 20 years ago), as technically Bull Gorg is just a big human, and not a full-blown Ogryn (he's standing on a 60mm base). Still, can't deny he's an imposing model on the table!

The model is based on an old metal fantasy Ogre, an old rhino hatch in place of the usual belly plate and some techno-gubbins bodged on in the rear. With the addition of a pair of big-ass metal chainswords from the 54mm Inquisitor range it's got some serious heft to it - Let's just say the model can double as a paperweight! Touched up the paint scheme a bit here and there, mostly getting some more highlights in and updating the base color scheme. He's ready for his next fight!