A new 'The Regimental Standard' courtesy of the Warhammer Community team...

New post on The Regimental Standard

Official Resolutions for the new Terran Year

by The Warhammer Community Team
Attention, Guardsman!
Following some brief issues with the Ordo Chronos and time dilation in your sector due to warp activity, we are happy to declare this Standard Terran Year is coming to a close. This is an excellent time to reflect on your time with the Astra Militarum and recommit yourself in service to the Emperor. It is traditional at this point to make a series of New Year’s Resolutions, and, ever your faithful servant, the Regimental Standard has prepared some for you in advance:
Good luck* in the new year, Guardsman!

++Thought for the Day: “Fortune Favours the Faithful”++
* Please note that survival for another combat year will result in punitive combat efficacy testing. To serve is a blessing, to resist the call of martyrdom is heresy.
The Warhammer Community Team | December 27, 2017 at 3:00 pm | Tags: 27122017 | Categories: Featured | URL: https://wp.me/p7fGe8-Hv