It's almost time again folks. Time for the big gaming show, Legionary.
Legionary is held on May 4th at the Matford Centre in Exeter, Devon UK and ToaTS will be there with a big helping of Pulp City Supreme Edition!

A word from one of the organisers, Mike-

"Exeter Legionary 2013, 4th May 10am-4pm, Matford Centre, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD

This is Exmouth Imperials second year of running Legionary. We had a very successful introduction to running the show on our own in 2012.
This year we want to concentrate on making this a show where people get involved. So, tournaments (Warhammer and 40K), demonstration games, and participation games are our priority. We want people to have fun when they come to Legionary, So please come and get involved.

We will still have our impressive list of traders, and our bring and buy.
We have a truly wide spread of genres, reflecting the diversity of our club. So if you come to Legionary (which we hope you will!) you can experience wargaming that is historical, fantasy, sci fi, and pulp.

There are also a couple of flyers for the show that you could spread around. (And it would be awesome if you did!)

Legionary is always an awesome show and I'm sure this year will be even better than ever.
Hope to see many of you there.

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!