After my first group of Dreadknight conversions I have had a lot of interest from people wanting them replicated. I’ve been rather lax in updating this site (I’m so lazy) as these were done quite a while ago. The basic approach to doing them was largely the same but with some minor tweaks to improve on the design.

I felt the biggest flaw of the original three was the tiny feet. I didn’t want to use the standard three toed design so for this group I simply replaced the front toe with the back end of the Dreadknight’s Thunder Hammer (luckily I had a few extra spare). On these I also improved on the midsection and added extra trim around some of the armour plating at the clients request.

As before all the weapons (and the swords) are magnetised. See the video below for a full 360 degree view of each model.

(Disclaimer: Sorry for the lack of writing in these posts, I’ve fallen so far behind with updates I’m going to basically throw up all the photos are videos. When I’m caught up, future posts will go into a bit more detail. In the meantime, if you have questions please leave a comment. Cheers!)