Alright, no detailed battle reports for this post.  I just wanted to mention, and show a few pictures, of random games I've been playing.  I have a Battle Report coming shortly, and hope to get some more written up, but I really just won't have time to write these up. So, let me just briefly talk about what I've been gaming.

Star Trek Attack Wing
I managed to play one game of this with my brother, at 100 points, with two constructed fleets.  I pretty easily handled his force.  I'm not sure when or if we'll play it again.  I think Matt has found X-Wing more enjoyable, and has been grabbing a lot of that, and I think I prefer X-Wing as well.  But meh, maybe someday we'll give it another shot.  With all the new stuff being released, perhaps there's something interesting here.
I've gotten a few games of this in, all against my brother so far.  I think my regular group is getting interested in playing more games of this as well.  I've been playing quite a bit with Scum lists, trying out some new models, but I did throw a Rebel list down just last week.  Matt has been buying buckets of Imperial ships, although he unfortunately hasn't had much luck yet. 
Star Wars: Armada
Played a game of this against Matt, as well.  He was much more successful here, annihilating me.  We've been keeping the point values small while he builds up his collection.  I believe our next game will be at full points.
Star Wars: Destiny
Whew, three Star Wars games!  This game is so easy to fit in, that it has become a pretty common game for me to throw in when I have a few minutes.  I've been trying some new decks, including a four character deck that tries to make use of the LR1K Sonic Cannon.  First play of this deck went pretty well, but there look to be some cards from Legacies that may make it slightly better.

I did play another game against Malifaux, once again against Rob, and once again using Neverborn against Mei Feng.  This time I tried Jakob Lynch, who I've not tried since M2E.  What a different experience- I was able to build and keep a great hand almost all game, giving me the cards I need when I needed them.  On Rob's big turn, he ran out of steam long before I did, and I was able to take the win.  I'm hoping to get Pandora built before next game, as she'll play a very different game (although she may struggle against Arcanists?  We'll see).
Finally, I've been doing my best to play Warmachine.  Joey and I have gotten it on the table twice, and I've even played a game against Rob.  The ones against Joey were primarily teaching games (the game against Rob was less so).  Because of that, I didn't take great notes against Joey, but I will say I played Cryx (Agathia1) and Skorne (Morghoul1) against Mercenaries (Ossrum1), and lost both games.  The second game was very close, and should give Joey a healthy fear of Skorne heavy beasts in melee.  The game against Rob I took much better notes, and I should have a battle report of that up soon.
 After our first game, I realized I needed some good markers for the zones, and picked these up from Hidden Forest Gaming.  Very nice quality!
That's all for the moment, I'm going to get to work on writing up that battle report versus Rob, and hope to get some more posts up soon!

Thanks for reading!