I've been suffering with Painter's Block for about six weeks now.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't draw up enough enthusiasm to get painting. There was no real rhyme or reason it this, I just couldn't get my act together.

Well, I am pleased to inform you that this period of inactivity is now over. With all the snow that the UK has suffered (yet again) this weekend, I set my self up at the painting table and got on with it. I found myself to be rather prolific and I managed to get quite a few models finished for my Khorne Army.

I am sharing them with you below. As always, I used original Citadel colour from the '80s (interspersed with a few Coat d'Arms replacements) and the associated ink range. I used a simple 'look and snap' digital camera and the colours are a little muted, but I think there is enough for you to get the idea. 

Chaos warrior with halberd and shield. Old school shield designs are a favourite of mine, and it painted this one to match the colour of the model's armour.
An 1985 chaos warrior with a double handed axe. This one lacked a shield, so I tried to free hand a face design on to the shoulder. I was reasonably happy with the result. 
Chaos warrior with axe and shield. I used Andy Craig's advice to work up an original shade of red. The discussions I have had with him have inspired me to move away from selecting colours 'out of the pot' and create my own shades. 
Chaos Marauder with half pike and shield. A old design on this one, if I recall correctly I did it for an article on shield painting last year and had yet to find a good use for it. 
Chaos Dwarf Bombard and Crew. Love this model. I used the colour scheme from the old Realm of Chaos packaging as inspiration here. I have just started work on the bazooka crew from the same range. 
A Blue Horror, painted in respect of Kev Adams (who, or course, sculpted these back in the late '80s) who was attacked in his own home last week. Here's hoping he recovers soon and gets back to producing models as good as this one again. 
I've got a couple more chaos warriors and marauders on the go, so expect to see them soon, as well as more Tzeentch goodness in the guise of a Pink Horror and a Flamer. 

What you reckon to my efforts? Any tips or advice really appreciated.
