It's in times of the worst circumstances that people come together. Once again our hobby community is showing its mettle when one of its own comes to harm.

For those of you who don't know, Kev Adams is a sculptor of great renown within the industry. He is especially known for his Ork and Goblin masterpieces and has worked for many well known names.
Earlier this week he was stabbed and beaten by three intruders at his home. He is out of hospital and on the road to recovery but is in a bad way.

Geronimo from Fenris Games and Dags from Ainsty Castings are coordinating efforts to raise money to help Kev replace stolen items and get back on his feet. Sculptors from across the industry are creating unique goblin miniatures for the cause, painters are painting and people are generally doing what they can to raise money from auctions.

Anyway, enough of me talking about it. Go over to the Goblin Aid Facebook page and catch up on proceedings for yourself.