I finally decided on a scheme that I wanted to try on my Space Wolf Scouts I thought it would be interesting to paint them in a sort of fusion of the current paint scheme that GW uses and the early Advanced Space Crusade scheme.

Fenrisian fusion.

Below are examples of my early '90s Space Wolf Scouts painted to match the schemes presented in White Dwarf magazine circa 1991-1992.

Scouts from the early '90s.
In lieu of experimenting on my Shadow War Armageddon Space Wolf Scouts I opted to try it out on this long abandoned Scout. He was abandoned because I was not happy with the way the paint job was turning out at the time. Since then ("then" being around 2004) he has been knockeb about and chipped rather badly.

Before any touch-ups.
I simply tightened up the existing scheme by touching up the chips, recoloring the chest aquilla and painting Chaos Black on the gun. Since this is an experimental model I saw no crime in experimenting more with the gun's color scheme. I painted it in the typical Dark Angels scheme that I enjoy using. I have always wanted to see how it would turn out if I were to ink over this scheme. So I figured "what the heck" and washed it with Dakka Green. I decided this was strange and not dark enough. So next I tried the old and original Citadel Green Ink over this. The resulting color seriously popped out and was way too distracting.

Gun experiment.
I was not sure it was me or not so I asked a few friends for their opinions. After getting their input I ultimately decided that this was not going to work for what I was going for so I chose to abandon this. Shame too, because it really is a striking result. Perhaps if I ever wanted to paint Dark Eldar in a green color?

Fixed Green.
I went back to my Dark Angel scheme for the green Heavy Bolter. I also attempted to paint a 5 o'clock shadow on his face using Nuln Oil.

Back to Dark Angels Green.

I painted the left shoulder pad in Sunburst Yellow over Fiery Orange and then added the red fang icons.

Left shoulder pad.

All-in-all I am pleased with how this model turned out and how this scheme is working. Next in this series I will be applying this to the plastic scouts.


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