(Here's my thoughts regarding the recent spate of quick releases for 40K.  I left it as a comment on BoLS, but I'm going to avoid the impulse to dress it up.)

I suspect Games Workshop has been stalling releases a bit, waiting for some of the pending legislation to work its way through the courts; Chapterhouse being perhaps the largest example.
From what I can tell - and of course, this isn't an expert opinion by any stretch - GW may lose out their claim of IP on any model that isn't already in production in some way. Perhaps they slowed down their production toward the end of 5th with the expectation that books and a full range of miniatures needed to be released at one time?
Ah well. I'm really enjoying the releases, but this definitely heralds the age of collecting an army or two, not ranges, and certainly not every army! It's too expensive for the average gamer to own and support more than a few anymore.
Pick your favorite!

Of course, time is also an investment!  Here's all the stuff for my stalled out Bugs! army.  I'll get around to it one of these days, but it's just a huge project to tackle.