Such an interesting model to put together.  After a few years of building AFVs, to suddenly be confronted by a plethora of writhing tentacles, it was a bit different, to say the least.

But nicely the reaper kits all seem to be constructed so that each part has a differently shaped lug to go into a specific socket.  You can jam or wedge tentacles into the wrong hole if you want, I suppose.

It does need and will, before painting, get LGS around the gaps.  If you click on the pics (stealing Inso's phrase) you can see that a lot of the surface detail is eyes.  Nice.  I've just seen Lord Halfpenny's plague toads, so that looks like it could be a way to go for the painting.  PVP's advice for animals is to always use real world examples, but erm, this doesn't really look like a cow.  Or Crocodile or anything else for that matter. 

With the tank for scale.  It's certainly big enough.