Yet more entries for the character detail project, which is an open project to produce a large range of options for figures in a grimdarkling world like 40K's. The whole thing was set off a couple of weeks back by Lasgunpacker's random warband creator for Inquisitor.
Since my last batch, Lasgunpacker has posted 200 each for bling and equipment, to make 700. With zhu bajiee's 60 minor mutations and my first batch we have around 950.
This is my next batch of 200 then, this time for the arms, which gets us to around 1,150.
This is my next batch of 200 then, this time for the arms, which gets us to around 1,150.
If you don't have a d20 and/or d10, just roll 1d6: on a 1-3, roll for 1-100 as described in the fifth paragraph here; on a 4-6 roll for 101-200 the same way, adding 100 to the result.
To decide which arm it is, assuming two, roll 1d6: on a 1-3 it's the left, on a 4-6 the right.
To decide which arm it is, assuming two, roll 1d6: on a 1-3 it's the left, on a 4-6 the right.
Beware: there's some weirdness, a fairy tale-bad dream darkness and light body horror.
- Cyberaptor or similar roosting at shoulder
- Nerve pinch counter measures
- Piston, shoulder boom - roll 1d6: ends at 1-3. upper arm or 4-6. forearm
- Clavicular hardpoint - roll 1d6: on a 4+ currently fitted with random ranged weapon; and again: 1-2. remote-controlled; 3-4. automated; 5-6. operated at will
- Pauldron - roll 1d6: on a 6, ridiculously oversized
- Scapular gargoyle - roll 1d6: 1-2. remote-controlled; 3-4. automated; 5. possessed; 6. sentient
- Pronounced haunch
- Sharpened shoulder blade
- Chip on shoulder
- Underarm louse colony
- Very hairy underarms - roll 1d6: on a 6, 1d3 plaits each
- Fungal growth, possibly Orkoid - roll 1d6: at 1-4. underarm or 5-6. fold of elbow
- Potent body odour - roll 1d6: on a 6, mildly toxic
- Amputation, no replacement - roll 1d6: from area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Autotomy - roll 1d6: on a 6, regeneration; and again: in 2d6 1. hrs., 2. days, 3-4. wks., 5. mths. or 6. yrs.
- Trophy - roll 1d6: arm is 1-3. transplanted; 4-6. stuffed; and again: from 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Atrophy - roll 1d6: 1. upper arm, 2. forearm, 3. hand or 4-6. all at 1/1d3+1 times the volume
- Muscle bulk - roll 1d6: 1. upper arm, 2. forearm, 3. hand or 4-6. all at 1d3+1 times the volume
- 1d3 arms or forearms - roll 1d6 for each: branches at 1-3. shoulder or 4-6. elbow
- Nanitic extremity - roll 1d6: utility fog or liquid metal-like material from area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist; and again: 1-3. operated at will; 4-5. remote-controlled; 6. sentient
- Flipper or fin - roll 1d6: from area of 1-3. shoulder or 4-6. elbow
- 1d6 tentacles - roll 1d6: from area of 1-3. shoulder or 4-6. elbow; and again: on a 6, with suckers
- Whip arm - roll 1d6: from area of 1-3. shoulder or 4-6. elbow; and again: on a 6, charged
- Tree limb - roll 1d6: from area of 1-3. shoulder; 4-6. elbow; and again: 1-3. living; 4-5. preserved; 6. petrified
- Scarecrow-like spar - arm projects 90° from flank
- Inflatable upper arm - roll 1d6: 1-2. remote-controlled; 3-4. automated; 5-6. operated at will
- Wing - roll 1d6: 1. webbed; 2. feathered; 3. wax; 4. paper; 5. cloth; 6. synthetic
- Aerofoiling - roll 1d6: on a 4+ both arms - may glide
- Bingo wing
- Rigging and sail(s) - roll 1d6: set 1-2. at will, 3-4. by control panel or 5-6. traditionally
- Pulpit with mechanospeaker - roll 1d6: activated 1-2. at will, 3-4. by switch or 5-6. traditionally
- Winch cable, frame and drum - roll 1d6: on a 4+ propelled; and again: on a 6, grappling hook
- Linear housing - roll 1d6: with 1. drainpipe, 2. hopper, 3. conveyer, 4. elevator, 5. drive train or 6. hose
- Exhaust port, landing bay or similar opening
- Cooling vanes
- Running lights
- Go-faster stripes
- Hazard markings
- 1d6 badges - roll 1d6: attached with 1. wax, 2. glue, 3. pins, 4. stitching, 5. cord or 6. magic
- Rotary shoulder joint
- 1d3 additional joints in arm
- 1d3 joint mountings - roll 1d6 for each: 1-2. shoulder; 3. elbow; 4. wrist; 5. knuckle; 6. finger joint
- Section of arm independently mobile - roll 1d6: from 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist; and again: 1-2. remote-controlled; 3-4. automated; 5. possessed; 6. sentient
- Elongation - roll 1d6: on a 4+ knuckles drag
- Articulated scoop - roll 1d6: from 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Cardan joint - roll 1d6: at 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Rotation - roll 1d6: in area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Telescoping - roll 1d6: from area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Power tool arm - roll 1d6: 1. shears; 2. buzz saw; 3. chain saw; 4. power drill; 5. rock drill; 6. jackhammer
- Armament - roll 1d6: 1-3. melee; 4-6. ranged; and again: from 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Armenity - domestic appliance or similar - roll 1d6: from 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Turbine mount - roll 1d6: on 4+ roll again: 1-4. rotor blades or sails; 5-6. waterwheel
- Electrified limb
- Puppetstring eyelets
- Reinforced skeletal structure - roll 1d6: on a 6, whole body
- Subcutaneous armour, random type - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Additional armour plating bolted to bone
- Extruded bone - roll 1d6: forms 1-3. sculpture, 4-5. crests or 6. blades
- Exoskeleton - roll 1d6: on a 6, whole body
- Plaster cast - roll 1d6: on a 4+ messages inscribed
- Splint
- Overgrowth - roll 1d6: 1-2. lichen; 3-4. moss; 5. creepers; 6. beanstalk
- 1d3 entwined serpents - roll 1d6: on a 4+ venomous
- 1d6 large attached parasites - roll 1d6: 1. louse; 2. tick; 3. leech; 4-6. other
- Columnar styling - roll 1d6: 1. Doric; 2. Tuscan; 3. Ionic; 4. Corinthian; 5. composite; 6. Solomonic
- Chrome plating
- Major vaccination scarring
- Venous cannula
- Stimulant canister - roll 1d6: 1-3. internal; 4-6. external
- Tourniquet
- Armband
- Solar or aetheric cells, able to power one other device - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body - 1d3+1 devices
- Thermoresistant dermis or dermal coating - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Small attached person or other being - roll 1d6: 1-3. deceased / inactive; 4-5. alive; 6. dominant
- Arm 1d100% covered with hair
- Completely hairless arm - roll 1d6: on a 4+, whole body too
- Spines or quills - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Stridulatory organ
- 1d3 additional sensory organs, membranes, glands or bladders, internal or external - roll 1d6 for each: in function 1. gravi-; 2. baro-; 3. anemo-; 4. thermo-; 5. magneto-; 6. electrometric
- 1d6 modular mounting points
- Post-surgical scaffolding
- 1d3 jack ports
- Serial number
- Barcode
- Fretwork musculature
- 1d3 bone plates - roll 1d6: 1-2. medical; 3-4. decorative; 5-6. both
- 1d3 bone etchings - roll 1d6: 1-4. below skin; 5-6. exposed
- Visible seams - roll 1d6: 1-2. stitched; 3-4. welded; 5-6. riveted
- 1d3 major scars
- 1d3 large tattoos - roll 1d6: on a 4+, whole face
- 1d3 forms of piercing
- Upholstery - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Chameleonic skin - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Partially shed skin - roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Translucent skin - roll 1d6: on a 6, translucent skull too
- Xenoflesh graft, covering 1d100% of head
- Marbling- roll 1d6: on a 4+ whole body
- Antiseptic dermis or coating
- Viscous dermal secretion - roll 1d6: on a 1 nourishing, on a 6 toxic
- Arm or hand smeared with unguents or similar
- Scorched or melted skin
- Confectiodermis, 1d100% - roll 1d6: 1-2. preserved; 3-4. stale; 5-6. rancid; and again: on a 4+, whole body
- 2d6 prominent moles
- 1d6 large boils
- Bulging veins
- Bracing bands
- Reinforced joint - roll 1d6: 1-2. shoulder; 3-4. elbow; 5-6. wrist
- Swollen joints
- Creaky joints
- Double-jointed
- Frayed stitching - roll 1d6: in area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- 1d3 embedded works - roll 1d6 for each: 1-2. tome; 3-4. engraving; 5-6. frieze
- Dispenser - roll 1d6: 1-2. soap; 3-4. oil; 5-6. snacks
- Fusebox
- Hollow arm section - roll 1d6: 1-3. upper arm; 4-6. forearm
- Access hatch - roll 1d6: on a 6, held shut with wax, tape or cord
- Exposed cabling
- Frame-mounted armrest
- Handrail
- Rack for 1d3 tools and/or weapons
- Radial iron sight(s)
- Explosive forearm - roll 1d6: on a 4+ projectile; and again: fired 1-3. manually or 4-6. at will
- Buckler
- Sweatband
- 1d6 bracelets
- Spinnaret
- Watchwrist
- Wrist terminal
- Underslung control column or pad, able to control 1d6 other devices
- Limp wrist
- 1d6 pre-programmed secret shakes
- Hand restraint - roll 1d6: on a 4+ other hand too, on a 6 thus far inseparable
- Leash clip - roll 1d6: on a 4+, pet present
- Hoof or trotter
- Paw
- Claw
- Pincer
- Scorpion-like sting
- Scissorhand
- Cleaver
- Skewer
- Hook
- Clamp or vice-like grip
- Wheel - roll 1d6: on a 6, powered
- Hand bindings
- Boxing glove
- Mitten - roll 1d6: on a 4+ on cord running over shoulders to counterpart
- Hand puppet - roll 1d6: on a 4+ fixed, a 5+ also independently functional and a 6 dominant
- Rubber glove - roll 1d6: fixed with 1. wax, 2. glue, 3. pins, 4. stitching, 5. cord or 6. magic
- Rubber hand
- Hand buzzer
- Palm tread
- Palm reader
- Chalk board palm, for ease of nail scraping
- Hole through palm
- Eye set in palm - roll 1d6: 1-2. ornamental; 3-4. real; 5. real, interchangeable with 1d2 others; 6. remote
- Card holder
- Coin on cord
- Spork hand
- Permanently clenched fist
- Structural knuckleduster
- Knuckle-crack amplification
- Largely unconscious hand movement - roll 1d6: 1. knuckle crack; 2. finger flex; 3. finger click; 4. bird flip; 5. ear / nose / other bodily orifice pick; 6. scratch, possibly with subsequent sniff
- 100-yard coin flip
- Symbolic rest position
- Stained hand, fingers and/or nails
- Webbed fingers
- Fingers fused into 1d3 clumps
- 1d3 extra fingers - one may be thumb
- 1d3 additional joints in thumb
- 1d5/6/7/8* badly-broken fingers
- 1d3 explosive fingers - roll 1d6: on a 4+ projectile; and again: fired 1-3. manually or 4-6. at will
- Cane finger
- Finger of power, possibly magical - roll 1d6: 1-3. 1 wish; 4-5. 1d3 wishes; 6. 1d6 wishes
- 1d5/6/7/8* missing fingers
- 1d5/6/7/8* missing nails
- Chewed nails
- Extremely long nails
- Varnished nails
- Dirt beneath nails
- Talons - roll 1d6: on a 6, with venom sacs
- 1d3 rings on each of 1d5/6/7/8* fingers
- 1d5/6/7/8* fingertip tool endings
- Retractable nanoneedle, with interchangeable vial - roll 1d6: operated 1-3. manually or 4-6. at will
- Fingertip monofilament spool - roll 1d6: on a 4+ projectile; and again: fired 1-3. manually or 4-6. at will
- Fingertip suction cups
- Gecko-like fingertips - roll 1d6: on a 6, may hold own bodyweight: on 4+ two hands
- Adhesive tarsal pads - roll 1d6: on a 6, may hold own bodyweight: on 4+ two hands
- Inked finger(s) - roll 1d6: 1-3. one finger; 4-6. all
- Scrubbed prints
- False prints
- Encoded prints
- Branded prints
- Corporate prints
- Static buildup
- 1d3 thimbles - roll 1d6: on a 4+ fixed; and again: w/ 1. wax; 2. glue; 3. pins; 4. stitching; 5. cord; 6. magic
- 1d5/6/7/8* finger puppets - roll 1d6: on a 4+ fixed, a 5+ also independently functional and a 6 dominant
- Arm fused with torso - roll 1d6: until area of 1-2. elbow, 3-4. wrist or 5-6. fingers
- Arm actually leg - roll 1d6: from area of 1-2. shoulder, 3-4. elbow or 5-6. wrist
- Hand forms secondary head - roll on head subtable
For entries that need a power source, you could roll 1d6: on a 1 it's mains powered, on a 2 it needs a battery, on a 3 it's clockwork, on a 4 bio- or pizoelectric, on a 5 fission or fusion based and on a 6 it has a more esoteric source, maybe a kind of aetheric energy.
* '1d5/6/7/8' allows for the possible extra fingers. If you don't have a d5, roll 1d6, rerolling 6s. If you don't have a d8, roll 1d6: on a 1-3, roll for 1-4, rerolling 5s and 6s; on a 4-6, roll for 5-8 by adding 4 to the result, rerolling natural 5s and 6s. To avoid the rerolling, you could make three rolls in a row, each branching low (l) on a 1-3, high (h) on a 4-6. The results are then lll=1, llh=2, lhl=3, lhh=4, hll=5, hlh=6, hhl=7 and hhh=8. It's more intuitive than it reads. If you don't have a d7, roll as if for 1d8, but starting over again if you get an 8.
* '1d5/6/7/8' allows for the possible extra fingers. If you don't have a d5, roll 1d6, rerolling 6s. If you don't have a d8, roll 1d6: on a 1-3, roll for 1-4, rerolling 5s and 6s; on a 4-6, roll for 5-8 by adding 4 to the result, rerolling natural 5s and 6s. To avoid the rerolling, you could make three rolls in a row, each branching low (l) on a 1-3, high (h) on a 4-6. The results are then lll=1, llh=2, lhl=3, lhh=4, hll=5, hlh=6, hhl=7 and hhh=8. It's more intuitive than it reads. If you don't have a d7, roll as if for 1d8, but starting over again if you get an 8.
Again, that's about 1,150 entries in total. If you want to jump in, just go ahead and post.