DropZone Games just finished up their first GT and it was a big success.  1999 with allies.  They had a packed house both days and it was a fun time to be had by all.  The terrain and tables were set up great and the event ran smooth as silk.  The Beltway Gamers should up in force and Ty won best painted.

Yeah that's a chick passed out under table.

From their Facebook page:
Overall Champion - Tyler Principio (Grey Knights)

Best General - Al Edel (Grey Knights)

Best Painted - Ty Augliere (Space Marines)

Best Sportsman - Chuck Groff (Eldar)
Blood Angels - 1Chaos Daemons - 4Chaos Marines - 5Dark Angels - 6Dark Eldar - 1Eldar - 2Grey Knights - 4Imperial Guard - 1Necrons - 4Space Marines - 4 Tau - 1Tyranid - 1
 My list:
Not painted but there it is.
   1 Chaos Lord, 135 pts = (base cost 65 + Mark of Khorne 10 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Juggernaut of Khorne 35)

      1 Axe of Blind Fury, 35 pts

   1 Sorcerer, 170 pts = (base cost 60 + Increase Mastery Level x2 50 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Spell Familiar 15) + Chaos Bike 20

   9 Chaos Cultists, 41 pts = 9 * 4 (base cost 4) + Flamer x1 5
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

   9 Chaos Cultists, 41 pts = 9 * 4 (base cost 4) + Flamer x1 5
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

   5 Chaos Spawn, 150 pts = 5 * 30

   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

   3 Obliterator, 237 pts = 3 * 79 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Veterans of the Long War 3)

   1 Maulerfiend, 125 pts

   1 Maulerfiend, 125 pts

   1 Primaris Psyker (HQ) [Guard], 70 pts

   1 Infantry Platoon (Troops) [Guard], 0 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad [Guard], 29 pts = 4 * 6 (base cost 6) + Flamer x1 5
         1 Platoon Commander [Guard], 8 pts = (base cost 6 + Boltgun 2)
      7 Infantry Squad [Guard], 35 pts = 7 * 5
         1 Heavy Weapons Team [Guard], 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 5 pts
      7 Infantry Squad [Guard], 35 pts = 7 * 5
         1 Heavy Weapons Team [Guard], 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 5 pts
      7 Infantry Squad [Guard], 40 pts = 7 * 5 (base cost 5) + Flamer x1 5
         1 Heavy Weapons Team [Guard], 20 pts = (base cost 10 + Autocannon 10)
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 5 pts

      Griffon [Guard], 75 pts
      Griffon [Guard], 75 pts

      Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)

How did I do?  I will get to that in a second.  Let's talk about the meta that was seen there.  At BWG's last tournament, the meta was similar to 5th ed.  Not a lot of flyers.  Some armor but fast moving armies.  Here there was a ton of AV14.  I played one match against a 3 LR DA/IG list.  I was not expecting that much heavy armor.  There was even a 5 LR list that was doing well but lost to the overall champ.

Round 1 - Ty and his Iron Hands SM/IG - This was the best painted army and Ty is a BWGer but someone I never played against.  Victory condition was kill points.  He had:
Ty's Award Winning Army
SM Captain - Bike, Iron Halo, bike and SS.
MotF - Bike Conversion beam
10 Sternguard - 5 combi-plasma, DP
Dread - DP
5 Sternguard - heavy bolter DP
8 Bikes - 2 Plasma, 1 MM attack bike
8 Bikes - 2 Plasma, 1 MM attack bike
Land Speeder - MM
IG Allies
Vet squad
2nd Table

Oh Crap!

This is when things turned in my favor.

Turn one he seizes and drops a dred next to my griffons and two combat squads of Sternguard in front of my HQ and spawn.  He manged to take out one griffon but not much else.  My turn went well.  Blewup some bikes.  Cast Psychic Scream from both the Primaris and the Sorcerer wiping out the Sternguard.  Moved one Maulerfiend to engage his dread and everything else moved forward.  I wasn't expecting to wipe out my targets so the Spawn and HQs had to endure a round of shooting.  He got the vendetta and the other pod.  He dropped the other pod next to the Oblitz and some cultists.  He shifts everything away from my right flank.  Downs an oblitz but stays locked in combat with the Maulerfiend.  After a good initial round of combat, the dread would go three rounds before falling. All my reserves come in.  My Vendetta takes out his and the helldrakes do what they do best.  Eat 3+.  The match was called at the end of 5 but he had his HQs and a DP.  Most of my units were intact.  It was a fun match and Ty is a great guy.

Round 2 - Tua/Eldar - Eldrad made my first few rounds painful.  Victory Condition was three objectives and one would disappear at the end of round 2.  He had:
My Opponent's Army
Fire Warrior x12
Fire Warrior x9
Fire Warrior x9
 Devil Fish
Fire Warrior x6
Kroot x10
Broadside w/Shield x2
Crisis Battlesuit x3
  Gun Drone x2
Jetbike x3
Jetbike x3
Aegis w/Quad Gun

Crisis Battlesuit x3
  Gun Drone x2
Crisis Battlesuit x3
Commander Shas'el
  Shield Drone x2
War Walker x3

Right Flank
Left Flank

This match was a pain.  The Crisis Suits gave me hell.  My reinforcements came in piecemeal and allowed him to pick them apart.  Round 3 Eldrad died and allowed me to start casting psychic powers.  The unit with his Ethereal fell and he ran the Ethereal onto a waiting transport.  There were three objectives and one disappeared at the end of round 2.  Of course, the one I really wanted disappeared.  Even though I lost the match and most of my force bit it, it was a close match.  It came down to the last turn and I couldn't pull him off an objective.  If I would have inflicted one more wound and killed the Ethereal, I could have forced a moral check for the army and possibly ran for the objective.  Things didn't go as plan.

Round 3 - Blood Angels/Space Wolves - Victory condition was 6 objectives.  This was an Alpha Strike drop pod list.  He had:
Rune Priest
Rune Priest
Rune Priest
Wolf Guard pack
  WG in Power Armor x5
  WH in Terminator
GreyHunters x6
    Drop Pod

GreyHunters x6
    Drop Pod

GreyHunters x6
    Drop Pod

GreyHunters x7
    Drop Pod

GreyHunters x7
    Drop Pod
Long Fangs x6
    Drop Pod
BA Librarian in Terminator
Death Company x5
    Drop Pod
Storm Raven

Only pic I took but his paint jobs were awesome.  He also painted a pre-heresy 1000 Sons army.

This match was an up hill battle.  My Khorne Lord did more wounds (3) to himself with the damn daemon weapon then my opponent.  I managed to kill a Stormraven and a few troops but without the Lord to wreck shop and a few luckily snap firing melts I was soundly trounced. I did allow my opponent to dropod in and then cast a blessing on his squad.  It may or may not have changed things but now I know. 

 Round 4 - Dark Angels/IG - Victory condition was kill points.  This was a three LR list and was a pain.  My opponent was great.  I didn't get a extra list from him.

His great looking army
I am in the middle left hunched over the table saying, "I'm screwed."

That's me saying, "How many I remove again?"

He seized on me and his first Manticore shot wiped the Spawn and sorcerer from the board.  He slowly killed off my Oblitz and one maluerfiend.  I blame the Oblitz death on me.  I should have tried more melta attempts instead of the initial lascannon shot.  I managed to take out a vendetta and a LR but not much else.  I had no real answer for AV14.

Round 5 - Eldar/IG.  This was a Seer Council list and he took the list with him. IG hid behind an Aegis with two Leeman Russ tanks.  Seer Council hid behind a building.  I moved up and began pelting the IG with Griffon shots.  I kept my two squads of cultists in reserve.  It was the Relic mission.  On his turn he did something I didn't think he would do. He rushed the objective with the seer council. Took a few IG but not much else.  I began eating his bikes alive.  Engaged the Council with a fiend and the Lord's squad.  He kept my Psychic powers in check but during the second round of combat he forgot to cast Invis again.  He lost combat and broke.  I caught him.  The IG wasn't much against my army.  I was able to roll a 66 on the boon chart against the IG sargent with my sorcerer but then he resigned since he only had a psyker battle squad left.


BWG Andrew

Dameon Green